Christmas in Cañete 2009
All I want for Christmas is a slightly larger pot. Oh we have a pot that works fine within the restrictions of its limited size but when I dream of how much more effective and efficient I could be with a larger pot it makes my head spin.
If I had a pot that was twice as big we would be able to cook spaghetti for all of the missionaries at once. I could purify twice the amount of water at one time. I could heat twice the amount of water to wash the clothes that need hot water. I could pop enough popcorn for both of us. Think of the time I could save If Only I Had a Larger Pot!
If only I had….
As I consider my larger pot I guess that I could say, “Well, at least I have a pot and water and food to put in it.” One can not help but be reminded of the man that complained about his lack of shoes until he met the man without feet. We work daily with people who have not much of either food or water.
At least I have the privilege of choosing whether I will have hot water in my electric washing machine or not. Unlike the women I see most everyday washing clothes in rivers and drainage ditches where clean is more of a reference point than an actual realization. God bless them for there desires to be clean.
When I think of the time I could save and how efficient and how much more effective I could be I must reflect on what the purpose of life is and what is that makes all men equal before their maker. It is time and what we do to improve ourselves and our environment in which we use our time. In the end our final judgment will not be made on the basis of how big our pile of money is, how many toys we have, or how great and spacious our building is, the only thing that will matter is how we improved our time. Where much is given much is required.
Time is the precious commodity that life is made of. To some is given a little, almost none, and others a lot, almost too much, which ever it is it matters only if they did all that they could do to improve it. The balance is made up by Him that came into the world, who gave all His time even His whole life, whose birth we commemorate at this time of the year. When we consider what it is that we have to put on the alter of sacrifice before Him that put it all on the alter let us not forget the commodity that there is precious little of and never any left over.
There are always at least two ways to look at a situation and I am glad for this time of year that helps us to look inwardly and make outward expressions of Love and Kindness.
Keep Christ in your Christmas, your heart, and actions always.
As Christmas draws nearer we try and not talk about the things that we miss the most. When we made the decision that we would serve a mission we told each other that there would be emotionally hard times, that we would miss important events, that it would be okay because we have Internet and Skye(seeing would be almost as good as being there) and magicjack(for talking). In a way it is pretty much true, we do have emotionally hard times(some we had not planned on like transfers of missionaries that you grow to love), we are missing some events, and we do get to communicate. However it is not events that you miss, it is being with the people that you love and having close associations with them for which there is no substitute.
We are fortunate that we have friends here that we can share some time with, they are not substitutes, they are new friends and we are blessed to be able to know them and care about them. Some you have met in the blog before and some you will meet for the first time in this posting.
Tuesday of last week we went with the Elders to meet a new family that they felt might respond well to us and our little message. When we arrived there was a dump truck hauling away a load of rubble from the front of the home and we had to climb through an excavated area to get to the front door. The family had forgotten about the appointment, not a first, but they were anxious to meet with us nonetheless. They have a teenage daughter that is eight plus months pregnant. Not long into the visit the daughter said to Debbie, “what is your name?” “You have beautiful eyes I want to name my baby after you.” She asked her mother and her mother said, “Sure, it’s a different name but it would be okay.”
Tuesday when we got home in the evening the vigilada was posting a notice that the power was to shut off for a day and that day would be the next the day. Oh Joy!
We put our extra water bottles in the freezer so that they would freeze before the power went off and would help keep the freezer box cool and the food cold. That part of the plan worked. In the morning we found out that the power was out for the whole region not just our little enclave.
In the morning we went to meet the Hermanas in San Vicente to make a trip to Cero Azul to meet with some of their contacts. When we arrived we discovered why we had such a difficult time getting a ride to town, a general strike had been called in area to protest against the President of Peru, Alan Garcia. Garcia had reneged on a commitment to build a university in Cañete and the people were mad especially since they had been promised one.
The combie buses were not operating and parked strategically to disrupt traffic, tiendas and the Mercado were closed. Most of the local organized transportation was parked but a few bandit buses and independent moto we’re capitalizing on the opportunities. We found a bus that was operating to Cero Azul so we got on and sat down. I could tell that the Cobrador and driver were very agitated and were anxious to get going and I just felt that this was not a good idea. I turned to the Hermanas and said get off this is not the right place to be right now.
We later found out that in Cero Azul the demonstrators were attacking the buses and in some instance beat the Cobradors for not honoring the strike lines. In other instances they smashed the windows of the buses and slashed the tires. They shut down the
Anyway, when we got off the bus we decided that we would walk together to take care of some business and make some local visits. We walked about two blocks and got started halfway down a street when the marchers, hundreds maybe thousands, rounded the corner and started right towards us. This we new was not a good place to be so we did a quick about face and hot footed it away from the trouble. Once out of sight of the demonstrators we agreed with the Hermanas that everyone need to get to a safe place and stay until we knew more about the situation. They went to the Familia Macha, which is also their pensionista, and we took an independent moto that was still working and headed for home.
We were not aware of any violence at that point however in these types of situations it is best not to get in harms way. We also have to be concerned because we are so noticeable in the public presence, because we stick out like sore thumb, that we do not appear to the officials that we support one side or the other as this could create political problems in the future.
When we got home we advised our mission President of the situation and he asked that we make sure that all our missionaries were safe, in their apartments or with members, and had food and water for the day. We had confirmed that the Hermanas arrived at their destination but had no idea where the Elders were at. (which is always one of concerns, not where they are at but that they do not allow them to carry cell phones.) We had no way to contact them so we decided that we would have to go back out and since transportation was sketchy we had to walk. We thought that maybe we should not dress in our missionary ropa so that we were not identifiable as such but dressing as missionaries with our plaques is the best protection that we can carry so we stuck with the missionary clothing and started searching for the Elders.
We found that the Marchers had left Imperial where the Elders work early in the morning and everything there was as they say here “es normal” and in Imperial you would not even know what was going on in San Vicinte. After walking for a couple of hours we went home to check on the Hermanas. That was the beginning of another story which will go untold at this point.
The next day things escalated in San Vicente, the Commandos moved in overnight shut down the Mercados, Combies blocked the traffic, rocks and bottles were being thrown. Tires were burned on the bridges to shut down the highway. I had received a phone call from Hermano Pedro telling about everything as he had been out in moto and had returned home because it was to dangerous to stay out. He said that he would make sure the Hermanas were safe and had food. I went out to our front security gate and found that the vigilada had the gates shut and there were hundreds of people walking toward the protest area carrying flags and signs. I could see black smoke from tires burning at the coliseum about half a mile away. Pedro was right this was going to a great day to stay home, but! We were all supposed to travel to
I had been in communication with the President and he said stay safe, don’t travel unless it is safe, and to keep him posted. We could only communicated by text messaging or I could email his blackberry. I told all the missionaries that they need to stay indoors until notified, by direction of the President but to be ready to travel at a moments notice if necessary as if we had the opportunity to get to
Around noon Perdro called and said that the highway was open and the demonstrators were standing down until the commission that had been sent to
Only one bus line was operating to
Pedro arrived as scheduled and we were just about to put away our computers when I checked my email. I had just received and email form Elder Nash of the Seventy telling us to stay put until further notice. Well that ship had sailed, all the missionaries were in transit to the bus station so we jumped into the moto and left. Sent a quick text message to the president and told him we are getting out and unless I heard back we would be gone in 30 minutes.
When we arrived at the bus station it was crowed and everyone was intent on getting on the next bus. Pedro knows everyone in the service industry in town and had a quick side conversation with the terminal agent and magically we were on the next bus to
Apparently the Area Office has a liaison that monitors political situations and his advice was that the decision could go either way on the university and it could be a potentially volatile situation. They had just finished dealing with a situation in the mountains where the missionaries had to be extracted because of civil unrest.
Anyway we were safe, had a great Christmas program, Cañete is going to get the university and we got to stay with Elder and Hermana Cleaverly. The Cleaverly’s are missionaries in the East Mission they are from Hurricane
Never a dull moment, You are in
Well that brings us to the end of another episode of Whitneysinperu. We are well and living large in Cañete and wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year.
Beautiful pictures and post. Debbie-I've never seen you look prettier than you do here.
ReplyDeleteMerry, Merry Christmas . . .
ReplyDeleteSounds like never a dull moment!!!!
Happy New Year
Wow! Scary stuff! Glad you're both safe - keep it that way will ya?
ReplyDeleteDebbie, I love the photo of you & Hermana Lebeau about to attack the watermelon. And Doug - sitting on a park bench saying good morning to people? That's hilarious!
Hope you had a wonderful Christmas and wish you all the best for the new year!
I'm glad that everything ended on a positive note regarding the university. These can be very frightening experiences. The younger missionaries are lucky to have a senior couple there to support them. The zone activity looked fun. I agree with the others that Debbie looks great!
ReplyDeleteI'm glad that your Christmas plans turned out...missionary Christmases are moments to cherish!
Bueno...!Feliz Navidad y Prospero Ano Nuevo!