Shaken all over! Yes, it is a line from a favorite Rock and Roll song and it also describes the feeling that you get from a siesmo.
A couple of weeks back I had an upset stomach, not unusual for me in Peru, and I had sort of fallen asleep sitting up on the sofa. At around 3:00 AM I heard a roaring sound that kind of sounded like big truck was going to come right through the house. That would be significant event because we live on the second floor. As I was regaining my faculties I realized that we were experiencing an earthquake. I struggled to get to my feet to get Debbie, it was a sensation something like trying to walk up an escalator going down, only to find her coming down the hall exclaiming “I think it is an earthquake.”
The big roll finished rather quickly and the first thing that went through our minds was, “was that the little one before the big one or was it over.” Thinking somewhat quickly but not thoroughly we grabbed our 72 hour emergency kit, which we now realize was in a completely inconvenient place in case of an emergency, and placed it by the door for a quick get away if necessary.
Our hearts were racing but the seismic shaking was finished. We looked out our front room window to see most of our neighbors in the street, probably wondering the same sort of things that we were, is it over or is it just beginning?
With our emergency kit ready at door we were discussing the right thing to do, should we quickly get out of the house or what? Some experts say that you should not leave the safety of a good building others the opposite.
In this moment while observing the neighbors I questioned, “do you suppose we should get dressed?”
In that moment we realized exactly how unusual we might appear on the street with our neighbors and everyone standing around in their underwear.
The quake registered 5.9 and the epicenter was about 25 miles away, which in terms of earthquakes is relatively strong and close. The big quake here in 2007 registered 7.9 and leveled buildings for a hundred mile radius. Although strong it was short and that apparently makes a big difference. We have felt several tremors but this was powerful.
We learned a few things about unpreparedness as a result of the little shake up. For one, the first thing to grab is your clothes which should be close and together because there will be no time to make up a earthquake outfit (think like a fireman). Second, there is a difference between an emergency kit and storage. Third, we don’t want to experience any more earthquakes.
We finally found a new “casa capilla” for the members in the family group in Quilmana. We have been looking for several months to not much avail. We are challenged by the fact that as a “Family Group” they are not recognized by the Church as an organized unit notwithstanding that a “Family Group” is recognized in the manuals as the basic unit of the Church. Which makes them an officially unrecognized group, the bottom line, they are not afforded their own budget for physical facilities. They have to be funded through the budget of one of the Branches which means less funding for both congregations. (We have included some pictures in the photo section.)
Several months ago when we started looking for the new casa capilla that the long term solution to the budget problems was to become a recognized Branch and receive funding for the physical facilities and other programs of the Church. My initial inquires about qualifying as a Branch were all turned down on the basis that they said the group did not meet all the requirements. Being told no is not much of a deterrent for us.
As I meditated on the subject the thought came to me, “all of the answers are in the General Handbook of Instructions.” That is what we tell all of the leaders, look in your hand book. Sure enough the answers were there and according the written word we could qualify with a little work.
The next step was to get past the “no sayers” and unbelievers. If it is one thing the temporal church has it is bureaucracy and everyone has some one over them so I followed the instructions in the manual and started making requests for maps and applications for forming a new Branch through the proper channels. The hitch was that I made all the requests in English apologizing for lack of proficiency in Spanish. To our amazement it only took 2 days for our requests to end up in the office of the Area President.
They confirmed that my interpretation of the General Handbook was correct but stated that they Area had established additional criteria with the intent that new Branches have the ability carry forward and grow. However, based on the information that we had provided they would support our application when it was properly presented to them. They further offered suggestions on how to make qualifying simpler.
With that written response we cured all of the nay sayers and instead of red lights we now have green lights.
I have no idea how long the actual approval will take but it does it will make things a better for the faithful saints that have been hanging on in Quilmana.
A few weeks ago we went to interview a brother in Mala that had been told, 25 years ago, that he was to be excommunicated from the Church for conduct unbecoming. He now wants to be reconciled to the Church, wants to be married to his conviviente wife with whom he has 6 children, and his wife and three children want to be baptized. The General Handbook of instructions prescribes the process very clearly. Except, when his leaders, 25 years ago, said they were going to excommunicate him they never did. Twenty five years is a long time to carry that burden.
I have had a few interviews but none as moving as this one and hearing about his journey back to the point where he wanted to be reconciled to the Church. How he discovered that there was a Branch in Mala 700 miles from where was baptized and presumed excommunicated. Tears flooded his eyes when I told him as far as the Church was concerned he was still a member but we still had some work to do for him to be a member in good standing. He asked if he would now have to excommunicated before being readmitted. I answered that I did not know at this point and then asked him how that would affect him if it was necessary. He answered, ”what ever it takes I am prepared. I want to be an active member for the rest of my life.” I told him that was right answer.
Today we had lunch with him and his wife here in CaƱete along with Elder and Hermana Reich, and Elders Schofield and Chancafe after they had filed all of the required documents and set a date for their marriage. Elder and Hermana Reich have taken them under their protective wings and are guiding them along the path to marriage so that they can make this first major correction in their lives so they can focus on looking forward and not looking back. (Elder Reich also paid for lunch.)
It is so exciting to be a part of this great work and to be blessed with so many great people around us. We were not really sure what we expected when we decided to serve a mission, we are quite sure that we did not know what to expect when we got here, and for certain we know that we could have never imagined what we are experiencing and the blessings that we are receiving.
This long narrow space is where we now have set up for sacrament meetings and hopefully this week will find the money to order a nice glass front for the chapel. It will be bright and with a smooth surface floor we will be able have be clean. We have seating for about 60 people and we look forward to having full.
In conclusion just a brief thougth about topic that one of our new friends of another faith brought up to us last night. They commented that you people don't seem to be into idolatry. He explained what he meant about images and statues ectera and although we did not argue with him I did cause me reflect on what other types of things we tend to put our trust in.
Thanks for taking the time to stop by the blog and we hope that you have enjoyed this edition of YOU ARE IN PERU NOW as much as we have enjoyed providing it.
Thanks for the update. You both look well...
ReplyDeleteAll shook up. Isn't that an Elvis song. Thanks for the blog. I really enjoy it. I know it seems like your work is not making a big difference but out of small things proceedeth that which is great. The church in Peru has got to start somewhere.
ReplyDeleteI love your Blog!! Elder Bearnson does not have the time to give too much detail! Thank you thank you! Sister Bearnson
ReplyDeleteHow exiting to finally have your new building!
ReplyDeleteLove reading your blog and seeing the interesting things you guys are up to. Had to laugh when you said you left after helping the elders move! I will go to church more grateful this week for our building!